19. Moses – Part 3


Let’s continue with the story of Moses in the Egyptian palace. When one looks at the bust of Thutmosis I the Bible story becomes more real.

God saved the life of this little boy because He had a special work for him to do. And the reason why you are still alive is also because God has a special work for you to do.

A very interesting discovery was recently made at the sphinx. The inscription mentions the son of Pharaoh Thutmosis I. The date of 1529 BC is very exciting because it is only one year after Moses was discovered in the Nile.

Could this be a reference to Moses because Thutmosis had no other sons? We must also bear in mind that when Hatshepsut adopted Moses he became the official grandson of the pharaoh.

Here, somewhere in the Karnak palace Thutmosis I offered to make Moses the next pharaoh. How would you have reacted?
There was no greater position of power and wealth in the ancient world than that of a pharaoh.

Listen to these immortal words:

Hebrews 11:24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.

You are looking at some of the treasures found in the tomb of Tutankamun, one of the insignificant pharaohs. Moses could have had a much bigger tomb and treasures. He refused it all. The next verse gives us an insight in this man’s character.

Verse 25 He chose to be ill-treated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.

This behaviour reminds us of Jesus who also choose to be ill-treated with us in order to save us.

Among the treasures found in Tutankamun’s tomb, they found this beautiful throne. Moses could have been depicted on a throne like this. What influenced his choice?
Verse 27 He persevered because he saw him who is invisible.

Moses made the right decision. Instead of becoming the greatest Pharaoh of antiquity and subsequently, a dried up mummy, he received a special resurrection according to Jude 9 and today he is enjoying the luxury of heaven and the presence of the one true God


To walk where Moses walked is quite an experience. In my mind’s eye I can see him here at Deir el Bahri talking to his step mother Hatshepsut.

While he associated with this exceptional lady who explored many parts of the ancient world, he received all the preparation necessary become the leader of about 2,000,000 people.

Acts 7:22 “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.”

He had a doctorate in Egyptian literature science, art, medicine, warfare, etc. He knew the 2400 letter hieroglyphic alphabet by heart.

Because Moses refused to become the next pharaoh, a man by the name of Thutmosis II ascended the throne. He was just a commoner and was married to Hatshepsut.

“What do you treasure Walter?”

“Removing wrappings from a mummy?”

We are going to follow Moses from fame to shame.
We are going to look at God’s longsuffering and forgiveness.

When Moses fled to Sinai God caught up with him.
We are going to study about His interest in sinners like you and me.

He is a God who never gives up on someone who has fallen.

Updated on 21st Mar 2022

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