26. Moses – Part 11

MOSES – 11

The next pharaoh, second oldest son of Amenhotep II is called Thutmosis IV. Archaeology has uncovered an Egyptian lie that confirms the Biblical truth of the death of the Pharaoh’s first born son during the tenth plague.

Egyptian history never would have recorded the fact that a God more powerful than their own gods triumphed over them.

Come with me to the Sphinx at Giza and I’ll show you where they wilfully rewrote Biblical history. In ancient times the Sphinx represented the Egyptian god Harmakish, the god of the Sphinx.

Can you see the stele between his front paws? Let’s move a little closer while I tell you what is written on it.

It says that one day when Thutmosis IV, the second oldest son of pharaoh Amenhotep II returned from a hunting expedition, he fell asleep in the shade of the sphinx. Then he heard a voice say:

If you will remove the sands from my front paws, I will make you the next pharaoh. He obeyed and became the next pharaoh.

But tell me, why did he become pharaoh and not his older brother as the custom dictated? Was it really because he cleared the sands from the front paws of the sphinx? No.

The lie of the stele of Thutmosis IV establishes the authenticity of the Bible, which clearly states that the pharaoh’s oldest son died during the tenth plague.


From now on Egyptian history becomes exciting. The next pharaoh was called Amenhotep III. He left Karnak and built his palace on the western side of the Nile.

The two lonely statutes of this pharaoh used to be the entrance to his huge palace. In antiquity the Colossi of Memnon produced music when the wind blew onto it.

When you read his biography you’ll notice that he began moving away from the worship of Amun as the most prominent god in the Egyptian pantheon of gods. From this point in time the name of “aten” which is the symbol of the Unseen Creator God became more prominent.

After his death his son Amenhotep IV became the next ruler. The name means that the Egyptian god Amun is in control of his life.

He changed his name to Akhenaten, which means that he now serves Aten, the invisible Creator God. His new belief sent a shockwave through Egypt.

He abandoned polytheism, built himself a new capital and called it Akhetaten. Many thoughts flashed through my mind as I crossed the Nile on my way to the ruins of the capital of Akhenaten.

Today the site is called Tel el Amarna. I wish I had the time to tell you about the cuneiform tablets that were found here.

You can see some of them in the Louvre in Paris. It is called the Amarna tablets. They were pleas for help from the kings of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon to come and rescue them from the invading Habiru (Hebrews).

When I visited his tomb, I honoured him for his courage to become a monotheist. He and his wife were the only royal couple who was buried on the eastern side of the Nile and who believed in death as a sleep.

I believe he was influenced by the writings of Moses on his beliefs.

I found this bust of Akhenaten in the Egyptian museum in Berlin. A scholar by the name of Lionel Casson says he was the sole pharaoh in Egypt’s history to boast the distinction of an intellectual. He is also called the first individual.

You cannot afford to miss the next presentation. You will be introduced to his wife Queen Nefertiti. If you are contemplating divorce, please postpone it. We are going to listen to the best advice for a happy marriage and a happy family. God wants us to enjoy healthy relationships.

Updated on 21st Mar 2022

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