5. Armenia


Like so many adventurers before me, I also went to Mount Ararat in search of the ark. I have read the story of Noah and the ark so many times and just to be in the vicinity where this huge ship came to its final rest, was more than rewarding.

Way up on one of the Armenian mountains I found some ancient inscriptions. I spoke to them in my mother tongue, Afrikaans, asking them to please tell me where I could find the ark.

They remained silent. They refused to share their secret with me.

Down below I accompanied Dr. William Shea to Karahunge, also called Zorats Qarer.

Here we found hundreds of large upright basalt stone rising about three meters high and weighing up to 9 tons each.

These huge mysterious stones are arranged in a circle. Some of them have holes at the top another unsolved mystery.

I asked the stones to tell me about the whereabouts of Noah’s ark. They refused to speak to me and remained stone quiet.

Instead of cursing the darkness I decided to light an archaeological candle and find out more about the history of the Armenians.

They call themselves Hay and their country they call Hayastan. Are their other sources that confirm this claim?

Yes. I had the privilege of visiting the ancient capital of the Hittites in Turkey called Hattussas. A clay table was found here dating back to the second millennium where the ancient name of Armenia “Hayasa” is

I get so excited when I make discoveries like these. Archaeology does not proof the Bible true it only confirms the authenticity of this marvelous book.

Besides visiting ancient Babylon in Iraq, I also went to Nineveh, the capital of the ancient Assyrians. This is where Jonah had the most successful evangelistic campaign in history.

Archaeologist made a remarkable discovery when they came across the name of Nairi which means “The land of rivers” a reference to ancient Armenia.

I was very excited when I visited the fortress of the King Argishti ancient ruler of the Urartu kingdom. He was a contemporary of the Assyrian king Adad-Nirari III who was converted during the preaching of Jonah.

Names like Shalmanezer and Sargon which are mentioned in the Bible can be seen on these ancient inscriptions. Your Bible is not only the most accurate book in the world; it is also a book that introduces you a God who loves you immensely.

I was very excited when I visited the site of the Behistun inscription of Darius I in Iran.

Here the name Armenia appears for the first time in Persian, Elamite and Babylonian cuneiform. When the Bible speaks about Armenia, you can believe it.

Isaiah 37:38 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

You are looking at the site of the ancient capital of the Medes, called Ecbatana, the birth place of Cyrus the great.

In 612 BC king Astyages the Mede conquered Armenia and in 549 BC. Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Empire, seized Armenia and it became a satrapy of Persian in 549 BC.

Another interesting site in Armenia is the Roman temple at Garni, built in 77 AD and dedicated to Aref the sun god.

A Persian soldier who was facing death inscribed the following words on the temple: “Here I stand. Aref the sun god knows how to protect me.” This is a prayer we can pray to the Sun of Righteousness to protect us against selfishness, the most dangerous enemy.
According to tradition the first preachers of Christianity in Armenia were two disciples of Jesus, Thaddeus and Bartholomew.

For over three centuries Christians were persecuted in Armenia. Christianity was officially adopted under King Tiridates III.

In 301 AD Armenia became the first country in the world to officially adopt Christianity. In 405 AD the priest and scholar Mesrop Mashtots invented the Armenian letters.

While looking at this ancient Armenian Bible I thought of the words of Christ:

Matthew 24:38,39 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

The Genocide monument in Yerevan speaks of pain. When people greet one another in Armenia, they say:

Shavuth Danem. Guess what it means?

Let me share your pain.

Is your pain a little too much for you to carry right now? Jesus says: “Let me share your pain.” This is the good news of the gospel. Please don’t cling to the monopoly of your pain. Share it with Him.

Updated on 21st Mar 2022

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